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jeudi 5 mai 2011

History of Nabeul :The modern age

Muslim Art 

From the eighteenth and nineteenth century, Nabeul has gradually acquired its final structure near its nucleus in the Mdina el Arbi (Arabic city) we know today. This was achieved through architectural works erected over the years, either spontaneously or organized. There are so many monuments which today are the essential landmarks of the town of Nabeul.
The souks are without doubt the beating heart of the city. Gathering place and trading, the souks were developed and their multiplicity reflect the economic role played by the city. Thus, many of them were built according to very specific organization in Arab-Islamic architecture which is accounted for by business corporations or sometimes through community membership: Souk al-Haddad (souk blacksmiths), Souk al-balgha (Souk slippers), Souk-el-Ihud (souk of the Israelites), Ezzit Souk (souk oil).
The town of Nabeul is famous for its doors, which form a sort of gateway to the Arab city.We then consider a few: Bab-Bled (city gate) which is the main entrance to the town of Bab-el-Khoukha, Bab-el-Zaouia.

The souks in Nabeul 

Migration came from different Tunisian cities, Kairouan Tripolitans or as Djerba, Andalusians found refuge with the fertility of the region of Cap Bon, the development of agriculture was strengthened by the arrival of the Andalusians, who participated the development by providing important enough know-how especially in irrigation. Have developed so many cultures: orange, lemon, olive, pomegranate and mulberry trees.
Thus, Nabeul gradually became a center of attraction for domestic migration flows, climate, pure air and fertility were factors that were particularly encouraged people to settle there. Thus the three cult survived. The Jewish presence prior to that of the Christian community (in modern times), reflects the feel of the city. The presence of a Jewish cemetery dating from the eighteenth century, shows very well the prior presence of this community in the city. It is estimated that in 1859-1860, the number of the Jewish population reached 500 people, which was quite important given that it formed 1/10th of the total population. It is also remarkable that the city had no light district to the Jews, the synagogue was located in the heart of the city near the Great Mosque, the same landscape are also merchants in the souks where Jews and Muslims indulged freelytrade. Nabeul was attractive to all communities and faiths, because there existed a tolerance of belief and worship copy.

History of Nabeul : The Middle Ages

The Muslim army commanded by Abu al-Muhajir from the Arabian peninsula conquered in 674 Cap Bon better known by Djazirat Bàchou. Arab travelers have often described this whole region as fertile and prosperous. One of the first monuments built by the Arabs was Ksar Nabeul, erected in the ninth century it was part of architectural works built by the Arabs along the coast, thus forming a sort of garrison to defend the country from invasion by sea . geographer Al-Edrissi mentions no specific date as to the founding of the city. It is more or less plausible, given the different architectural aspects and especially the political division of the provinces in Ifriqiya, to say that Nabeul began his training as a progressive metropolitan region to the twelfth century. The extension of the city made through its central core that is the Ksar. Thus, the stones of ancient ruins were used for the construction of religious buildings and private homes.

The Normans attacked more frequently on the banks of the maritime countries of Roger of Sicily in 1148 occupied the fort of Nabeul and made a military fortress to attack the town of Hammamet.

The limited evidence does not allow us to accurately trace the evolution of the city. The area of Ribat (Garrison) was one of the first extensions of the town towards the east, the Djemaa el-Kebir (Great Mosque) demonstrates that extension. Over the years, a network of souks gradually implemented.

History of Nabeul : Antiquity

Founded in the fifth century BC, Neapolis (Greek for "new town") is also related to the Phoenician name of Qart Hadescht. It is also similar to Naples city in southern Italy.Thucydides, Greek historian of great renown he had raised for the first time during the Peloponnesian War. She served as a stopover to the Greeks of Cyrene who went to Sicily. For this reason it became a emporion (counter). The existence of a port can accommodate ships of war suggests that the foundation of Neapolis was well before the fifth century BC. AD
The Roman 
Taken by Agathocles during its war against Carthage (late IV BC.), She was treated humanely. After the third Punic War, who lives in 146 BC. BC, the capture and destruction of Carthage by the Roman armies, Neapolis was reduced to a city depends.In the second century AD. BC, it enjoyed the status of a colony and was in this case known as Julia Neapolis. The prosperity of the city is attested by the existence of a college of shipowners (navicularii), which characterized the city by a port and maritime aspect and until the fifth century.

With the introduction of Christianity in Africa Romana, the Christian presence is attested in the city of the third to seventh century. BC According to Pliny, Neapolis would have had at the beginning of the Empire the status of a free city, many texts describe it as "colony julienne" mark of distinction granted by Caesar and Augustus who tried Romanise Africa and assign it an important strategic role in defending the empire. With the Pax Romana, Neapolis was also an important economic development for some infrastructure development and trade with the hinterland as well as Rome, helping its maritime situation. The epigraphic sources, mosaics, and some archaeological sites attest to the importance of Neapolis strategically, economically and politically. Little data exist to describe accurately the religious life, the fact remains that from the third century AD a Christian community was born well-organized, headed by a bishop named Junius .
The Vandal occupation of Roman Africa, and the occurrence of Neapolis, brought a fatal blow to the relative prosperity of the city. It must be said that the general context lent itself very well, because the Roman Empire and Rome in this case were just dead on a bier.


La capitale du " pays des palmes " : bled el jérid, mérite bien sa renommée.
D'abord pour la qualité supérieure de ses dattes (la déglet en-nour) dont elle partage d'ailleurs la production avec les oasis voisines telles que Nefta, El-Oudiane et El-Hamma.
Ensuite par son architecture de briques pleines apparentes qui dessinent sur les façades d'agréables motifs géométriques. Enfin par le nombre d'attractions que le visiteur peut y rencontrer : une belle mosquée au quartier de Bled al-Hadhar) antique Thusuros) dont le mihrab de pur style hispano-maghrébin est dû à Ibn Ghaniya,
ce refugié andalou de Palma de Majorque qui s'installa à la fin du XIIe siècle dans le jérid avec son peuple ; la tombe d'Ibn AchChabbat grand savant du XIIIe siècle auteur d'ouvrages scientifiques notamment sur la culture du palmier et le partage de l'eau ; le tombeau du grand poète lyrique tunisien du début de ce siècle, Aboou El Kacim ach-chabbi (dans le quartier des chabbiya) ; le zoo de sidi Tijani, ce grand collectionneur de scorpions, serpents, vipères, et puis l'oasis, bien sûr, ce lieu enchanteur et inoubliable.
By: Miss-M

Cap Restaurant ♥ Gammarth - TUNISIA


Hammamet ist ein Badeort im Norden Tunesiens und gehört zum Gouvernorat Nabeul. Er liegt im Südosten der Halbinsel Cap Bon am nördlichen Rand des Golfs von Hammamet. Seit Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts ist Hammamet dank seiner kilometerlangen Sandstrände ein beliebtes Ziel für Touristen. Heute ist die Stadt der meistbesuchte Badeort des Landes.
Die Stadt zählt 63.116 Einwohner (2004) - die Einwohnerzahl vervierfacht sich aufgrund der Touristen im Sommer - und 3600 Hektar Fläche (Stadtbereich). Hammamet befindet sich etwa in der Mitte zwischen Tunis, der Hauptstadt (64 km entfernt), und Sousse (84 km entfernt).

Le Cap Restaurants Open Air !!